
Style a piece with Cheerful #2 / Comp & Results

1st edition of SAP competition is over. You will find results at the end of the post. :)

- Create outfit with Saab Inspired Boots Bronze from Royalty
- You have to use mine doll (dobrapogodaor yours if you have this piece
- Mine wardrobe will be open only until Friday included (closing at 7:00 PM GMT +1) during this time you can send your outfits
- Results will be published with new post 
Don't forget about your doll name!

You can send your outfits by 4 ways. Choose one:

Blog: add screen in the comment below
Instagram: publish it with tag #cheerfulstardoll
Club: put it in your stardoll's presentation or blog and write info about it in our club - CheerfulSD
E-mail: send it to the

20 sd & avatar with your doll

Extra prize: add in the comment screen or name of cloth (from my wardrobe) what you want to see in next post. Author of choosen piece will get wishlist gift. Only for blog followers

About this piece

On first sight this boots look amazing. I bought it without thinking and now I regret a little because clothes from my closet doesn't match as well to them, so your task will be harder! What I noticed? Shiny, bronze leather looks great with other shiny clothes. When you'll stylize this boots you shouldn't afraid of flashy colors. Red, green, blue - it works perfectly with this piece! But these are just my advices, who knows, maybe you will find new, creative way to stylize this boots? As I said, this task won't be easy!

Results of SAP #1
Again sorry for delay. The winner of SAP competition number 1 is Regikenneth97! You won 20 Stardollars. Write to me and tell how you want to claim it (bazaar or wishlist gift). 

Also little gift from wishlist is getting to rosa.blu99! Your boots are star of this post and your prize is waiting in your suite. 
Link to the picture *click*