
Fashion Challenge - Vinyl + Evil Panda / Competition

Henlo :]
Today's looks are not elegant as previous but yo should expect that, because this time we use clothes only from Vinyl & Evil Panda. The winner of this task is luisaranieriPlease reserve 20 sd to me OR add something for that price on your wishlist and let me know. 
Under picture you will find info about next challenge!
I have to admit that I didn't expect as good result of this combination. These stores have a lot in common and are made for each other. You'll find there a lot of oryginal colors, so you can play with them very well, cause they are looks together so good. At the beginning I wanted to use only geen and yellow with white and black accents but I noticed that I don't have jewelery... To hide it and complete the look I added fire socks. The effect satisfies me.

Competition + Giveaway

- Create outfit using ONLY clothes from Royalty and Wild Candy and post it in the comment below 
(if you don't have disqus account you can post your look on and send link to it via club)
- You have to use minimum 1 cloth from Royalty and 1 from Wild Candy
- You can create your outfit in Starplaza OR you can use any doll as you want but please, ask for permission before 
- Chosen outfits will be published in next Fashion Challenge post (on next Friday) and the best one will win 20 Stardollars
- You can send your outfits until next Wednesday 6 PM  (GMT +1)

One, random person who will send entry during this weekend will win wishlist gift. Results in next Weekly Giveaway post.

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