
Fashion Challenge - Tingeling + Oryginal Future / Competition

Recently WildChrissie asked me to make new looks with LE and Valentino. I did it and it was such great fun for me that I want to do it more often! That's why I came up new series and I want to invite you to create it with me! Every week I'll pick one pair brands and make outfit using only them. This will be challenge for you too! At the end of this post you'll find giveaway, competition and rules. :] 

In first Fashion Challenge I used clothes from Oryginal Future and Tingeling. This combination seems interesting for me, because I like mixing sport and elegant clothes. I have only a few clothes from Tingeling, so I picked universal, black skirt but with neon green sweater my look doesn't look boring. What do you think? :] 

Competition + Giveaway

- Create outfit using ONLY clothes from Chanel and Pretty'n Love and post it in the comment below 
(if you don't have disqus account you can post your look on and send link to it)
- You have to use minimum 1 cloth from Chanel and 1 from P'nL
- You can create your outfit in Starplaza OR you can use any doll as you want but please, ask for permission before
- Chosen outfits will be published in next Fashion Challenge post (on next Friday) and the best one will win 20 Stardollars
- You can send your outfits until next Wednesday 6 PM  (GMT +1)

One, random person who will comment this post during this weekend will win wishlist gift. Results in next Weekly Giveaway post.