
Trelostroumfaki makeover

Welcome in the first makeover post! Today I will show you makeover one of our followers Trelostroumfaki. You can sign up for the queue here. So, let's start! :]

Before: I like your style. Your doll is always chic and perfect, as we can see on the picture below. About outfit - I like it but you could match better bag and shoes. Scarf looks good here but I don't like that it's not hide under your hair. It's not your fault but still, it teases me and distracts from the whole look. I like colors that you used. I don't have any remarks about your face. I really like how you emphasized your eyes shape. My only suggestion is that, you could reduce your brows but thanks to your perfect make-up I see only your big, beautiful, blue eyes! :]

After: I tried to create something in sport style but you don't have as much sport clothes, so I decided to mix rock and classic to get a completely new look . I'm not sure that you'll be satisfied but I like this outfit. Your face and hairstyle are matched perfectly to your face but I promised to make makeover, so this time you can see your doll in tottaly different look! I resized your brows and chose another hair. I'm not good in make-up things but I tried to get different shades of grey (not that book lol).

And here you can see results before and after. What do you think? :]

Next time I'll try to make this gif in better quality, sorry.