Ok! As I said in in the previous post... Cheerful comes back to life! But not yet. :D
I still need to do some work here, like new design, so it will take me some time and during this time blog may not work properly. I don't know when re-open will be but now I'm able to say that almost whole old Team will be here when next edition will start. What else can I say? Definitely - I'm looking for new writers! If you would like to be a part of Cheerful Team, please write to me for more informations. Soon there will be an official casting post with all informations.
Also I'd like to re-open our CheerfulSD club on Stardoll. That's why I'm looking for managers who will be able to lead discussions, games, help me with cotests etc. Informations about it will be in casting post and in the club but if you have an idea for our club don't wait - just write to me. :]