
Hello there!

Hello everybody! Here's Sofía, joining this amazing blog! I'm a 23-year-old girl from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I'm excited to be part of this blog since I've always had a huge interest in fashion; that was the main reason I made a stardoll account back in 2008... Until I lost my password and forgot my username so I was obliged to create a new doll in 2011, which is SoMillie.
I used to play dress-up games from the site and started to explore the "fashion world" thanks to the tributes stores and "inspired by" clothes Stardoll brought in every release. After moments of research about designers, collections and fashion history during my free time I got to know enough to feel, even more, seduced by it.
I wish I could be part of that universe, sadly, it's pretty much unreachable. Therefore, I'm just enjoying it all through a game as hobby, every time I want to get away of reality for a little while.
To sum up, thanks Sandra for inviting me to this journey! I hope we have fun sharing our opinions, interests, creativity, all trends and stardoll related stuff!
With love, Sofía.